oft<paul's deutheran chool congratulates s alumn Brooks Feldman Lauren Hessler Cori Jones Dakota Schmeltz and all of the 2019 graduates! St. Paul's Lutheran Church and School 605 S. Center St. | Bremen, IN 46506 (574) 546-2332 (Church) | 546-2790 (School) email: schools@stpaulsbremen.org www.stpaulsbremen.org oft < paul 's deutheran chool congratulates s alumn Brooks Feldman Lauren Hessler Cori Jones Dakota Schmeltz and all of the 2019 graduates! St. Paul's Lutheran Church and School 605 S. Center St. | Bremen, IN 46506 (574) 546-2332 (Church) | 546-2790 (School) email: schools@stpaulsbremen.org www.stpaulsbremen.org