Dental Insurance Call for dental coverage today to help save money on big dental bills. This is real dental insurance from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company that helps pay for over 350 procedures cleanings, fillings, crowns, even dentures. No annual maximum, no deductible See any dentist you want - including your own Over 50? Coverage as low as $1 per day Call now to get this FREE Information Kit Here's the information Phonicians Murual you requested on Dentali 1-844-244-7025 Individual Plan. Coverage not available in allstates Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance paliyf certficate of this type Contact us for complete details about this insurance solitation his specifc ofe is not aailble in CO, Nt call1-800-969 4781 or respond for similar ofec Certicate C250A(0: 2soe PA C500: Insurance Poliy P150(GAP150GA N.PISON O PIS00CTH 150T 6197 AW19-1034 Dental Insurance Call for dental coverage today to help save money on big dental bills. This is real dental insurance from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company that helps pay for over 350 procedures cleanings, fillings, crowns, even dentures. No annual maximum, no deductible See any dentist you want - including your own Over 50? Coverage as low as $1 per day Call now to get this FREE Information Kit Here's the information Phonicians Murual you requested on Dentali 1-844-244-7025 Individual Plan. Coverage not available in allstates Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance paliyf certficate of this type Contact us for complete details about this insurance solitation his specifc ofe is not aailble in CO, Nt call1-800-969 4781 or respond for similar ofec Certicate C250A(0: 2soe PA C500: Insurance Poliy P150(GAP150GA N.PISON O PIS00CTH 150T 6197 AW19-1034