TRIBE Yoga Trapeze Fitness Swimming for Kids Free discovery session Private Lesson $20 ages 8-12 Learn proper stroke techniques, develop strength, and endurance No Enrollment Fee No Annual Commitment No Membership Required Call 574-936-2333 to sign up The Magic of Bone Broth LifePlex is a medical fitness facility emphasizing healthy lifestyles for treatment of disease, longevity, and quality of life. The first Holm Medical Clinic was opened in 1979 on Center Street in Plymouth. In 1982, Fitnes Forum Nautilus was opened in the same location. What Byron and Mary saw quickly was the connection between physical activity and traditional medicine to create maximum health, reduce and/or eliminate the effects of lifestyle diseases. In January 2000, a fire totally devastated both the Clinic and Fitness Forum. In 2007, Fitness Forum and Holm Clinic opened their doors in the LifePlex building with the addition of LifePlex Dance Academy, Serenity Spa, Ancilla College athletics, and medical speciality services. The mission of Fitness Forum at LifePlex is to assist others in reaching their God given potential, especially through physical fintess and health as it relates to and sets in balance with mental and spiritual fitness Fitness Forum employs 100 staff, degreed and certified in exercise science health coaching, group exercise instruction, CPR, and other wellness specialities. We are blessed and privileged to serve the people of our community for the past 40 years, pioneering the model of medical fitnes and community health and recreation amenities Learn how to eat deliciously and healthy at the same time. Join us for lunch and education! All Programs are Open to the Public! Childcare available $5 | Between 8am-12pm and 4pm-8pm. Thursday, March 14th 1:00 p.m Only $12 fitness FORUMLife Call 574-936-2333 sports & wellness P L E X 2855 Miller Drive, Suite 101 Plymouth Call or visit