"SILENT BID' REAL ESTATE AUCTION PROPERTY LOCATED: 1 mile west of Bremen, IN on SR 106 to Plymouth-Goshen Trail, southwest 2 miles to JA Rd, west 1% miles ADDRESS: 8372 JA Rd, Bremen, IN 9 ACRES HOUSE BARN INDOOR ARENA WOODS Phone bids will be accepted until 4:00 PM on Monday, January 20, 2020. HOUSE: 28x50 single story Heckaman Home witha 24x24 attached garage, open front porch, rear open deck, full basement with outdoor entrance, 3 possible 4 bedrooms, 2 ful baths, central air, natural gas, fuly wired, standing seam metal root BARNINDOOR ARENA: 3272 bam with a 16x72 enclosed lean with9 box stals Attached indoor arena a dream is 58x120 and wired. A honse lover's d Approrimately 4% acres of woods with good huntingt 1% mile from Lake of the Woods Lake (al sport) Chicken coop Playhouse Publie welcome to inspect this real estate Tuesdays from 3:00-5:00 PM or by appointment with the auctioneers. Phone bids will be accepted by Chupp Auctions unt Monday January 20 at 4 PM. Starting bid is $350,000. For bidding updates or to place a bid, contact Chupp Auctions at 574-536-B005 or 260-499-0093. TERMS 10% dowt (non-refundable) opon accepted offer on January 20, 2020 with balance due at closing Clos ing will be approximately 45 days ater the auction with possession given ap proximately 30 days after cosing Tares will be pro-rated. Selers have the right to reject any or all bids Any announcements made by the auctioneers teke precedence over printed matter & AMY EASH Owners: MARCUS CHUPPAUCTIONS & REAL ESTATE LLC CHUPP Satalye n Aut4 S05 LYLE CHUPP IN SALOO026 DALE CHUPP - IN TAUTS80000 - 20) 499-0099 AUCTION "SILENT BID' REAL ESTATE AUCTION PROPERTY LOCATED. 5% mles south of Nappanee, IN on SR 19 to 900N, east 3 miles ADDRESS: 5028 w 900 N, Milford, IN 46542 9.76 ACRES 2 HOUSES SHOP BARN STORAGE BLDG Phone bids accepted until 4 PM on Tuesday, January 21. HOUSE: 34x48 2-story with a 2221'entrance. 10x12 sewing room, 10x36 open porch, Sx14'open deck, 10x12 open deck on 2" story, ul walk-out basement, 6 bedrooms, 2ul baths, nat- ural gas lights throughout, natural gas furrace, large fruit room co water softener, house was built in 2002 SMALL HOUSE 20x30 single story with a 8x10 enclosed porch, full basement, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, natural gas fur- in basement, Kinetico nace, currently rented out SHOP. SOX96 fuly lined and insulated, natural gas in-fioor heat 13x13 office area. 6x bathroom, paint booth and drying room, cutently used as a buggy shop business, new in 2014 48V battery pack system with option to buy 35kw Zenith natural gas generator STORAGE BUILDING: 58 66 GARDEN SHED: 10x14 BARN: large hip eoof bam with 18x40 enclosed lean, 38x48 attached pole bam, 16x24 milk houseldesel room, 7 box stals, 26 te stals. 24V battery pack system (2) Geo-Star automatic waterers 4% Acre pasture field reseeded in 2019! Camping area with pine trees for privacy! Public welcome to inspect this real estate Tuesdays from 3:00-5:00 PM or by appointment with the auctioneers. Phone bids wil be accepted by Chupp Auctions until Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 4 PM. Starting bid is $475,000. For bidding updates or to place a bid, contact Chupp Auctions at 574-536-8005 or 260-499-0093. TERMS: S% down (non-etundable) upon accepted offer on January 21. 2020 with balance due at closing Closing wil be approx. 45 days af ter the auction witm possession given approx. 45 days after olosing Taxes wil be prorated Selers have the right to reject any or all bids. Any announcements made by the auction- eers take precedonce over printed matter. Owners: FLOYD & LAUREEN MILLER CHUPP AUCTIONS & REAL ESTATE LLC CHUPP LYLE CHUPP NKALOSBO026 AUCTIONS DALE CHUPP N BAUTO000 -60 4-003 "SILENT BID' REAL ESTATE AUCTION PROPERTY LOCATED: 1 mile west of Bremen, IN on SR 106 to Plymouth-Goshen Trail, southwest 2 miles to JA Rd, west 1% miles ADDRESS: 8372 JA Rd, Bremen, IN 9 ACRES HOUSE BARN INDOOR ARENA WOODS Phone bids will be accepted until 4:00 PM on Monday, January 20, 2020. HOUSE: 28x50 single story Heckaman Home witha 24x24 attached garage, open front porch, rear open deck, full basement with outdoor entrance, 3 possible 4 bedrooms, 2 ful baths, central air, natural gas, fuly wired, standing seam metal root BARNINDOOR ARENA: 3272 bam with a 16x72 enclosed lean with9 box stals Attached indoor arena a dream is 58x120 and wired. A honse lover's d Approrimately 4% acres of woods with good huntingt 1% mile from Lake of the Woods Lake (al sport) Chicken coop Playhouse Publie welcome to inspect this real estate Tuesdays from 3:00-5:00 PM or by appointment with the auctioneers. Phone bids will be accepted by Chupp Auctions unt Monday January 20 at 4 PM. Starting bid is $350,000. For bidding updates or to place a bid, contact Chupp Auctions at 574-536-B005 or 260-499-0093. TERMS 10% dowt (non-refundable) opon accepted offer on January 20, 2020 with balance due at closing Clos ing will be approximately 45 days ater the auction with possession given ap proximately 30 days after cosing Tares will be pro-rated. Selers have the right to reject any or all bids Any announcements made by the auctioneers teke precedence over printed matter & AMY EASH Owners: MARCUS CHUPPAUCTIONS & REAL ESTATE LLC CHUPP Satalye n Aut4 S05 LYLE CHUPP IN SALOO026 DALE CHUPP - IN TAUTS80000 - 20) 499-0099 AUCTION "SILENT BID' REAL ESTATE AUCTION PROPERTY LOCATED. 5% mles south of Nappanee, IN on SR 19 to 900N, east 3 miles ADDRESS: 5028 w 900 N, Milford, IN 46542 9.76 ACRES 2 HOUSES SHOP BARN STORAGE BLDG Phone bids accepted until 4 PM on Tuesday, January 21. HOUSE: 34x48 2-story with a 2221'entrance. 10x12 sewing room, 10x36 open porch, Sx14'open deck, 10x12 open deck on 2" story, ul walk-out basement, 6 bedrooms, 2ul baths, nat- ural gas lights throughout, natural gas furrace, large fruit room co water softener, house was built in 2002 SMALL HOUSE 20x30 single story with a 8x10 enclosed porch, full basement, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, natural gas fur- in basement, Kinetico nace, currently rented out SHOP. SOX96 fuly lined and insulated, natural gas in-fioor heat 13x13 office area. 6x bathroom, paint booth and drying room, cutently used as a buggy shop business, new in 2014 48V battery pack system with option to buy 35kw Zenith natural gas generator STORAGE BUILDING: 58 66 GARDEN SHED: 10x14 BARN: large hip eoof bam with 18x40 enclosed lean, 38x48 attached pole bam, 16x24 milk houseldesel room, 7 box stals, 26 te stals. 24V battery pack system (2) Geo-Star automatic waterers 4% Acre pasture field reseeded in 2019! Camping area with pine trees for privacy! Public welcome to inspect this real estate Tuesdays from 3:00-5:00 PM or by appointment with the auctioneers. Phone bids wil be accepted by Chupp Auctions until Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 4 PM. Starting bid is $475,000. For bidding updates or to place a bid, contact Chupp Auctions at 574-536-8005 or 260-499-0093. TERMS: S% down (non-etundable) upon accepted offer on January 21. 2020 with balance due at closing Closing wil be approx. 45 days af ter the auction witm possession given approx. 45 days after olosing Taxes wil be prorated Selers have the right to reject any or all bids. Any announcements made by the auction- eers take precedonce over printed matter. Owners: FLOYD & LAUREEN MILLER CHUPP AUCTIONS & REAL ESTATE LLC CHUPP LYLE CHUPP NKALOSBO026 AUCTIONS DALE CHUPP N BAUTO000 -60 4-003